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icon10  view post Posted on 19/6/2013, 21:11

In caso abbiate sempre voluto un oc tutto per voi in sto bellissimo gioco ecco a vostra opportunità...
Basterà che completiate questa tabella...nora ve la mostro con qualche esempio
NOME: Sanchopanza
ETà: 99(ma usa la crema idratante perciò sembra una ragazza di 16 anni-cit)
SESSO:gelato-ehm volevo dire femmina
ALTEZZA:medio(scegliete tra bassa-medio-alta calcolerò anche in base all'età ma non saranno misure precisissime)
COLORE CAPELLI: verde riccola(ma esiste?)
COLORE PELLE: rosso...
VESTITI: indossa una felpa blu con un decoro di granchi gialli,porta occhiali a forma di lampada ecc...
SOMIGLIANZE\RAZZA: mostro(mettete a quale personaggio può assomigliare es.masada così per vedere la corporatura o se agg. braccia cm in Monoko)
EFFETTI: papera(scherzo,mettete tra i 25,normale compreso,ma per favore NO la bicicletta è complicatissima da disegnare col soggetto...)
ALTRO: quello che volete in più insomma....
Per un disegno potrei metterci anke più giorni perciò un po' alla volta...e devo anche trovarmi col tempo a disposizione perciò l'arrivo entro una settimana è incerto..)
Potete scegliere anke il programma che volete:MAGA STUDIO DEBUT o PHOTOSHOP(è MEGLIO IL SECONDO)....
Per accertarvi della mia capacità di disegno andate a questo link: http://siriaduemila.deviantart.com/
Daie!Non ve chiedo mica l'anima....
:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

Edited by Menfukurou - 20/6/2013, 14:42
view post Posted on 25/6/2013, 15:59

Lo vorrei un po simile a john egbert
view post Posted on 25/6/2013, 16:10

Ehm..potresti sforzarti con la definizione....
view post Posted on 27/6/2013, 10:35

Advanced Member

Moderatore Globale


Uh, dopo ti scrivo tutto, ora vogliono che vada a studiare :I
view post Posted on 1/7/2013, 15:58

Aspetto dettagli Lillo :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :unsure:
view post Posted on 6/7/2013, 13:11

Io lo vorrei alto con capelli mossi tipo john egbert poi gli occhi marroni vestito con tsh tshirt e jeans. Con un joystick della playstation in mano
view post Posted on 6/7/2013, 13:14

view post Posted on 18/2/2019, 21:55

Temeoo dijo el barsinso

Moderatore Globale


1: self-explanatory title, I hope. unordered {013} trichords, where lyne-pairs are registrally composed-out in similarly pairwise fashion. dynamic profile is generally homogenous.

2: the unison saxophone-guitar line derives from an unedited guitar improvisation, live-transcribed as MIDI data. the bass 'part' attempts to further ambiguate the harmonic rhythm of the aforementioned 'unison line' by maintaining a harmonically and, incidentally, dynamically more diverse—or, 'faster'—structure. I have some meta-level concerns about the potentially 'rhetorical' surface of this dynamic structure, but I won't embarrass myself further than I already have.

3: initially written as an exercise in 'tremolo picking', I then deleted all the tremolandi from the piece—mostly local to the highest ('peak') segments of the pitch contour—to suspend any localist adherence to instrumental idiomaticity and subsequently appended the second looping section. the interval-class content is rather sparse and continually recurrent, resulting in a rather primitively saturated and redundant harmonic profile.

4: focusing on the quarter-note as its fundamental durational unit, the piece is 38 measures long wherein each measure is bracketed by a discrete tempo modulation. lowest bpm: 40 (m. 11), highest bpm: 130 (m. 19). initially written as a solo monophonic line, it is here arranged for a trio—flute, guitar, percussion—each playing the line heterophonically (i.e. in inexact, 'failed' unison), where both pitched instruments often drift into quarter-tone tuning of the piece's equally-tempered pitch-classes.

5: I copied and rewrote the opening measures of Donatoni's "Feria IV" for solo accordion, using mostly grace notes attached to rests. originally for three voices, this arrangement is for solo glockenspiel in 1/2 comma meantone.

6: if I recall correctly, this piece uses the first block of the array in Babbitt's "My Ends Are My Beginnings"—or, at least, initially did. the surface mainly focuses on pitch-class monotony under polyrhythmic modulation in order to represent a diverse temporal surface from a limited, repetitive pitch gamut. the pitch contour similarly amounts to a relatively small metric space, with exceptions partitioned by mutually small durational values.

7: a contrafact—also improvised, then transcribed as MIDI data—for the chord changes of Coltrane's "Giant Steps." the title is the PayPal transaction ID assigned to one of my many failed transactions using their service. subsequent contrafacts will be titled with past and future failed transaction IDs.

8: events, separated by rests, wherein each possesses a unique, relatively non-trivial tempo demarcation. the last and longest 'event' 'section' was initially composed for unaccompanied double-bass. the clavinet presently functions to exhibit a rhythmic counterfactual to each event—achieved by the "Humanize" MIDI transform in Logic Pro X. the position of each attack-point performed by the clavinet randomly modulates between 0 and ±540 ticks/PPQ.
7 replies since 19/6/2013, 21:11   238 views